Friday, August 29, 2008

Best of Show - SouthernX Packaging Awards

For thoes who care, this was the design that won the Best of Show. Made from laser cut poster tubes, the packaging is part of the product. What you're actually looking at is packaging for a energy efficient light and cord. The shade and the packaging are one in the same.

The rationale was beautifully laid out, clear, concise and she (making assumptions on production quantities of like 5000 or something) could work out a cost, then final retail price.

Im assuming its a girl. A guy wouldnt design a product like that.


rb said...

This completey sucks - bloody students always ripping designers off.

Minka said...

Oh dear, bit lame... but i know that this isn't the first time that a student has ripped a designer off... know of a girl who came first using an exact replica of someone elses chair. Sad thing was... our uni gave that girl the award.

tombaker said...

lets not be to hasty and dismissive... lets call it 'taking inspiration', as opposed to 'ripping off'