Monday, August 18, 2008

A new scenario

"My GenX male comes home from his mildly satisfying desk job at 6 in the evening. Despite fact he's be battling traffic and Cityrail for the past hour and a half, his wife insists he unstacks the dishwaher, bath the kids and get the washing off the line. Kicking some tacky, injection moulded fluro yellow toys out of his way, he sits down on his aged freedom Sofas. His wife wouldnt let him get the nice ones; "oh, the kids will spill stuff all over them" so he had to settle for Freedoms finest. Ignoring the catpiss stains on the carpet, chocolate icecream marks on the armrest, he sits on his crappy freedom armchair, opens a moderately priced beer and turns on his Widescreen HD Samsung TV. This is not kid stuff, this is real man technology. He doesnt want to sip coffee out of a wooden coffee cup, or have a machine tell him how to cook dinner. He wants to sit there and watch HIS big TV on HIS DVD player - even if only for a moment.

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